Aug 10, 2023

Tea or Coffee: Which Drink is Healthier?



Tea has less caffeine (20-60mg) than coffee (80-100mg), giving milder energy. Coffee may cause jitters and sleep issues.

Image Source: Canva


Tea, like green tea, has catechins; coffee has chlorogenic acid. Tea's diversity gives stronger antioxidant edge.

Image Source: Canva

Heart Health

Tea, especially green, lowers LDL cholesterol, blood pressure. Coffee in moderation might not harm, possibly reduces risks.

Image Source: Canva

Brain Function

Tea and coffee's caffeine enhance focus. Tea's L-theanine offers balanced clarity. Tea's polyphenols suggest neuroprotection.

Image Source: Canva


Coffee's acidity can cause discomfort. Tea, especially herbal, gentler on the gut. Tea compounds support beneficial gut bacteria.

Image Source: Canva

Hydration & Bones

Tea hydrates, while coffee's diuretic effect may lead to dehydration. Moderate coffee intake shouldn't greatly affect bone health.

Image Source: Canva

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Both tea and coffee offer distinct health benefits and potential drawbacks. Your choice between the two should depend on your individual preferences, tolerance to caffeine, and specific health goals.

Image Source: Canva